Progetto Sirena
Progetto Bassi
Altre attività

S.I.RE.NA. città storica S.C.p.A.

is the Company responsible, not for money aims, to promote Regeneration Interventions in Naples established in 2001 both by the Naples City Council and the Building Contractors of the Province of Naples Association. In 2002 entered also Regione Campania and Italian Manufacturers Association. Sirena has the main aim to promote, to draft and to realize urban regeneration programmes, programmes for public and social purpose, research and studies to improve the old town areas, the historic fabric and blights.
The buildings renewal and the regeneration of urban environment are pursued introducing actions concerted among citizens, productive forces, scientific research institutions and local administrations.
Nowadays, main task of the company is: to promote the programme to Restore Common Parts of Private Buildings located in the Old Town area and in the outskirts with grants without return allocated by the Naples City Council (“Progetto SIRENA 1” – Naples City Council – May 2002; "Progetto SIRENA 2" – Naples City Council – October 2003). Moreover, the company has realized a Feasibility Study to start up a Pilot Programme to Reconvert the ground floor dwellings located in premises (“bassi”) which are located in a portion of "Quartieri Spagnoli" near Via Toledo. Finally, SIRENA has started in 2004, among several international collaborations, a cooperation activity with Tianjin City Council (CHINA), in order to restore some buildings and streets of an antique Italian neighbourhood.


International Conference
"Revitalization of historical urban fabrics", models of social and building renewal in the city of the XXI Century
Naples, 10-11th February 2006